1kb Plus DNA Ladder‚ ready-to-use‚ 100 lanes(0.1mg/ml)
Code  BH0100-0050
Classification  DNA Marker
Size  50ug
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Product 1kb Plus DNA Ladder, ready-to-use
Quantity 50μg
Concentration 0.1mg/ml
Supplied with 1ml of 6X Orange DNA Loading Dye
Storage Condition -20°C

1kb DNA Ladder Plus, ready-to-use, is designed for the sizing and quantification of DNA fragments in agarose gels. The ladder is composed of fifteen chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments (in base pairs): 20000, 10000, 7000, 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 1500, 1000, 700, 500, 400, 300, 200, 75. It contains three reference bands (5000, 1500 and 500bp) for easy orientation. The ladder is ready-to-use – it is premixed with the 6X Orange DNA Loading Dye for direct loading on gel.
Storage and Loading Buffer
  10mM Tris-HCI (pH 7.6), 10mM EDTA, 0.025% orange G, 0.005% xylene cyanol FF and 10% glycerol.
6X Orange DNA Loading Dye
  10mM Tris-HCI (pH 7.6), 0.15% orange G, 0.03% xylene cyanol FF, 60% glycerol and 60mM EDTA.
Quality control Assay Data
  Well-defined bands are formed during agarose gel electrophoresis. The absence of nucleases is confirmed by a direct nuclease activity assay.
Product Use Limitation
  This product has been developed for research purposes and in vitro use only. This product has not been tested for use in diagnostics or for drug development, nor is it suitable for administration to humans or animals.