垂直電泳槽 Thermo Scientific Owl P10DS Dual Gel System
Code  NM0280-0010
Classification  電泳相關設備
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Thermo Scientific Owl P10DS Dual Gel System
Gel Size: (W x L) 20 x 20 cm
Footprint: (W x L x H) 31 x 16.50 x 23 cm
UBC Vol: 650 ml
LBC Vol: 500 ml
Total Running Buffer Volume: 1150 ml

The optimal device for a large number of samples that need extended separation and mobility shift assays.

Our Owl P10DS Dual Gel System casts and runs 1 or 2 (W x L) 20 x 20 cm gels in the upper buffer chamber. The larger size cassette gives you the maximum number of samples and separation length. Ideal for second dimension protocols of 2-D electrophoresis applications.

Our Owl P10DS Dual Gel System is manufactured using Owl’s time tested acrylic fabrication technology providing a durable, long lasting system backed by a three year warranty. The design allows for a very simple clamping mechanism that makes loading glass cassettes and most manufacturer’s pre cast gels trouble free.


P10DS-2 Gel Casting Instructions
Casting with Owl's Emperor Penguin™ System
1. Load the glass cassettes with the simple clamping mechanism
2. Pour an agarose plug in the specially designed agarose well
3. Cast the acrylamide solution in the cassettes and once solidified, load your samples.
4. Run the gel (s)


P10DS-2 Sample Gel
P10DS-2 Sample Gel
12% ProSieve® 50 Gels, 10 well, 19x20cm 1X Tris-Glycine-SDS running buffer, 150V for 75 minutes Samples consisted of ProSieve® Protein markers (BMA Cat. No. 50547) and chemical or ultrasonic extraction of soluble proteins from the following E. coli varients: E. coli DH5a, E. coli LE392, E. coli TM101 and E. coli ATCC 25922 in repeating sequence (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.). Concentration of sample is approximately 2.5-3.0ug/lane. Stain with Coommassie Brilliant Blue R-250, destain with acid-alcohol. Data provided by BioWhittaker Molecular Applications, Inc.


Comb Options
of Teeth
of Teeth
of Teeth
EST Well
P2-10C Standard Comb 10  0.8mm  13.6mm  239µl 
P2-10D Standard Comb 10  1.5mm  13.6mm  449µl 
P2-15C Standard Comb 15  0.8mm  8.2mm  144µl 
P2-15D Standard Comb 15  1.5mm  8.2mm  271µl 
P2-20C Standard Comb 20  0.8mm  5.5mm  97µl 
P2-20D Standard Comb 20  1.5mm  5.5mm  182µl 
P2-25C Standard Comb 25  0.8mm  3.9mm  69µl 
P2-25D Standard Comb 25  1.5mm  3.9mm  129µl 
P2-PREP Prep 1.5mm   148/4.7   488/155µl 

Complete System Includes:
• Upper Buffer Chamber with Internal Cooling Core
• Lower Buffer Chamber
• SuperSafe Lid with Attached Power Supply Leads
• 4 Blank Glass Plates
• 4 Notched Glass Plates
• 4 Combs: (2) 15 Well & (2) 20 Well, 1.5 mm Thick
• Spacer Set: 1.5 mm Thick
• Blocking Plate for Single Gel Operation
• Spacer Placer

Illustration of Complete System


Ordering Guide
Item Description Cat. No.
Complete System P10DS-2

Accessories Cat. No.
Thermo Scientific Owl JGC-3 Gel Casting System
Gel Size: (W x L) 20 x 20 cm
Footprint: (W x L x H) 23 x 17 x 17 cm
Compatible with Owl P10DS
Offset Glass, (W x L x H) 20 x 18 x 0.32 cm P10-18G
Blank Glass, (W x L x H) 20 x 20 x 0.32 cm P10-20G
Notched Glass, (W x L x H) 20 x 20 x 0.32 cm P10-20R
Side Clamps (1 pair.) P10-CL
Upper Buffer Chamber Assembly P10DS-001
Blocking Plate P10DS-006
Lower Buffer Chamber P10DS-008
SuperSafe Lid with Attached Power Supply Leads P10DS-012
Owl P10DS-2 with Owl JGC-3 Casting System P10DS-1
P10DS-2 Apparatus Only P10DS-3
Replacement Gaskets (1pair.) P10-GK
Offset Glass Offset Glass, (W x L x H) 20 x 18 x 0.48 cm P2-18G
Frosted Blank Glass,(W x L x H) 20 x 20 x 0.48 cm P2-20FG
Frosted Notched Glass, (W x L x H) 20 x 20 x 0.48 cm P2-20FR
Blank Glass, (W x L x H) 20 x 20 x 0.48 cm P2-20G
Notched Glass, (W x L x H) 20 x 20 x 0.48 cm P2-20R
Thermo Scientific Owl P2-CST Multiple Gradient Gel Caster
Gel Size: (W x L) 20 x 20 cm
Footprint: (W x L x H) 25 x 13 x 23 cm
Compatible with Owl P10DS
Spacer Set, (W x H) 1 x 0.08 cm P2-SC
1.0 x 1.5 mm Spacer Set P2-SD
Thermo Scientific Owl Power Supply Leads PSL-5
Wing Knob R10446
Sponge Tips (Pkg. of 10.) ST-10

Combs Cat. No.
Standard Comb P2-10C
Standard Comb P2-10D
Standard Comb P2-15C
Standard Comb P2-15D
Standard Comb P2-20C
Standard Comb P2-20D
Standard Comb P2-25C
Standard Comb P2-25D
Prep P2-PREP