螢光載玻片 磨砂 Microscope Slide‚ Forsted One End‚ with reaction wells
Code  MA0440-0010
Classification  玻璃製品
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螢光載玻片 磨砂 Microscope Slide, Forsted One End, with reaction wells

廠  牌: Superior / Germany
產品描述: 玻片上有披覆一層藍色環氧樹脂 ,耐溶劑侵蝕
尺寸25 x 75/mm 厚度1mm

貨       號 規  格 包  裝
AP-1216541 1孔 6mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1215671 2孔 11mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216491 3孔 14mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216681 3孔 10mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1215131 6孔 8mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216751 8孔 6mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216071 8孔 9mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216651 10孔 5mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216691 10孔 6mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216521 10孔 8mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216551 10孔 8mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216821 10孔 7mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216531 10孔 7mm bx
cs of 4
AP-1216331 12孔 5mm bx
cs of 4