Star-100bp DNA Ladder LC,50-250 lanes(22.5μg/250ul)
Code  BH0040-0250
Classification  DNA Marker
Size  250ul
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Product name : Star-100bp DNA ladder LC
Catalog number: BH0040-0250
Size : 250μl, 50-250 lanes (22.5μg / 250ul)
Storage Condition: -20°C

  1 vial of 250μl 100bpLC ladder, 1 vial of 1ml 6X DNA loading ( 0.1% bromophenol blue, 0.1% xylene cyanol, 30% glycerol), 1 vial of 25μl 10X Ready-Run Buffer ( 0.5% bromophenol blue, 55% glycerol)
  • The markers now include the 10X Marker Ready-Run Buffer, which is designed to premix with DNA marker. If handle properly, this premix marker is stable at any storage temperature ( from RT to -20°C ). To make premix marker, add the whole vial of Ready-Run buffer to the marker.
  • Do not use 6 X DNA loading dye to premix with markers, which is not stable upon storage.
The 100 bp DNA ladder LC consists of 13 liner double stranded DNA bands of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 base pair,  This Gen-100 DNA ladder is specially prepared for visualizing of the DNA fragments on the gel. The intensity of 500, 1000,1500,2000 and 3000 bp bands have been increased to yield reference indicator.
Recommended loading:

1-5 μl

Quality Control:
  1. Agarose gel analysis shows that the bands between 100 bp and 3000 bp are distinguishable. All bands must form a gradient.
  2. Incubation of 5 µl of the Gen-100 DNA ladder in restriction enzyme buffer overnight at 37℃ shows absence of visible degradation.
  1.5% 0.5X TAE GEL