微量盤樣品測讀機 ( Microplate ELISA Reader) Stat Fax 3200 Microplate Reader
Code  NW0340-3200
Classification  實驗室分析儀器設備
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Microplate Reader StatFax 3200

  • Fully automatic.
  • Bichromatic optics. Standard model includes four filters, six filters are available for a nominal charge.
  • On board data reduction calculations include regressions, curve fitting and cutoff absorbance calculations with step-by-step user prompting.
  • Large, non-volatile memory stores over 100 user tests.
  • Includes parallel and serial outputs.
  • Graphic LCD screen
  • Operated with HP, Canon & Epson compatible external printer or optional internal printer

  • Four and six models available
  • Optional 340nm reading capability
  • Computer interface for IBM®
  • Serial or parallel printer
  • On-board printer
  • Dri-Dye®check strip for verifying accuracy, linearity and repeadability
  • Durable carrying case

Linear Measurement Range -0.20 to 3.0 Absorbance units (A)
Photometric Accuracy +/- 1% or better
Stability Drift of no more than 0.005A in 8 hours
Light Source Tungsten lamp with lamp saver feature
Wavelengths Standard: 405, 450, 492, and 630nm
6-VIS: 405, 450, 492, 545, 600, and 630nm
6-UV: 340, 405, 450, 492, 545, and 630nm
Filter Type Multiple cavity hard coat interference, l0nm half bandpass
Vessel Standard 96-well microtiter plates, or strip trays
Display 128x64 pixel, graphic LCD display
Internal Printer option Thermal printer with 80 character per line capability using 80mm. wide thermal paper
External Printer Requirements Parallel or serial, 80 Column, 2K byte minimum buffer capacity, Epson® compatible
Keyboard 29-key, domed membrane switch, enunciating;plus 4 multi-purpose keys for display input
Power Requirements 115V or 230V AC, 50-60Hz (switch selectable)
Serial Port 9600 Baud, 1 start bit, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity
Microprocessor Z180
Non-volatile Memory Battery supported RAM, holds more than 100 tests and curves
Certifications NRTL Listed, CE Mark
Speed Reads, and prints absorbances of 96 wells in about two minutes
Calculation Modes Single point calibration, uptake mode, point-to-point curve fit, polynomial regression, linear regression (log & linear), cutoff absorbance, multipoint % absorbance
Additional Features Complete user prompting, flags and error messages, partial plate reading, alphanumeric test naming, automatic interpretation options, duplicate options, clock and calendar, controls locator, self check system, curve plotting and editing
Mixer Variable time, fixed speed
Enclosure Fire-retardant ABS plastic cover with metal base
Dimensions Approx. 17 x l4.5 x 7 in (43 x 37 x l8 cm) Weight: 30 lbs. (13.7 kg)