Dry Thermo Unit DTU-N
Code  NQ0020-0010
Classification  培養系列
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Programmable temp. control from ambient +5°C to +100°C with accurate and speedy. Chageable blcok a size of well plate in compact body

Purpose of use
  • Denaturation of DNA,RNA and inactivation of enzyme
  • Restriction/Modification enzyme reaction of DNA
  • Hydrolytic reaction of Glycoprotein,Fatty acid
  • Inactivation of enzym

Speedy and accurate temp. control
Temperature rise from +25°C to +95°C in about 15 minutes.

9 segments of program available
You can set a segment of temperature and time up to 9 in programming mode.

Heavy duty resinous body

User-friendly aluminum blocks(Option)
Available to use 0.2ml, 0.5ml, 1.5ml tubes and micro plates. Blocks in half size for a small amount use are also available. *These blocks are not compatible with blocks used for DTU-1B/2B/1C/2C.

Temp. range -20°C~-1°C
Temp. accuracy ±0.1°C
Temp. controller Thermister PID
Timer 0~99h 59min./Program
Display Digital
Heater 100W(DC24V)
Temp. rising/falling time 25°C to 95°C/approx.15min.(by A-0696)
Program function Temp./Timex9programs
Safety device high temp. safety device/Circuit breaker
Abnormal diagnosis function Over heat, sensor abnormality, EEPROM abnormallity, Sample protection(High & Low temp.)
Body size 180x385x170Hmm
Weight approx.3kg
Power supply AC100V 50/60Hz, 1A