Cool Thermo Unit CTU-Mini
Code  NE0080-0010
Classification  乾浴1
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Temperature control from 0°C to +105°C with accurate and speedy. Compact and best for personal use. One micro well plate is loadable.

Purpose of use
  • Extraction and ligation of DNA,RNA
  • Restriction/Modification enzyme reaction of DNA
  • Hydrolytic reaction of Glycoprotein,Fatty acid
  • Inactivation of enzyme


Speedy and accurate temp. control from 0°C to +105°C
You can have a prompt feedback of temperature by PID controlled peltier device cooling system. It has an accuracy of temperature equivelent to water bath.

Improved transition time of teperature.
It helps to make most of the program function. The temperature control is based on the block temperature, not the heat source.

A size of pocket book!
Made to use for personally and the size is about 40% of our conventional model.


Temp. range 0°C~+105°C
Temp.Accuracy ±0.1°C~0.2°C
Minimum setting unit 0.1°C
Temp. controller Thermister PID
Setting method UP/DOWN KEY
Display LED/Set Temp. or Block temp.
Heater/Cooler Rubber heater/Forced cooling by fan
External dimensions 128x215x190Hmm
Weight approx.2.5kg(excluded block)
Power supply AC100V-240V,1.5A
Standard accessory Power cable:1,Block handle:1